A Note from the Founder

I knew that I wanted to teach dance, but I also knew that I wanted to teach youth that were not given the same opportunities that I was so blessed with. I am talking about the majority of inner city youth today that do not have the opportunities to express themselves through movement in a structured environment with quality education. Over the years the vision just seemed impossible to accomplish and frankly I did not know where to begin. It wasn’t until the year of 2006 that I felt the Lord was calling me into full time dance ministry that I started putting the pieces together. With the amazing help of my now husband Ramon and an amazing Board we are now on this adventure to make the vision become a reality. The reality is that the average income in South East Ft. Worth is $17,000. Do we stand and watch as children continue to be sucked into gang violence, prostitution,teen pregnancy, and a life of contentment? With that said, I ask this question. What do we do about this? Do we give them an outlet to which they can be creative and surround them with alternatives to the above mentioned?. . . YES!