Thursday, October 16, 2008


Hello everyone,
I was just listening to Kirk Franklin's "Imagine Me" with my eyes closed and I just Imagined how wonderful artistic expression is and how powerful it can be to youth that don't have that outlet. Now, I know you may be saying to yourself "well, duh! Isn't that why you do what you do?" Of course but I guess I am truly realizing the magnitude of what being a good, positive influence can have on a child. Think about how many young people go through life not having a father or mother, being molested or raped, not having the best education available to them, self esteem issues or surviving on welfare their entire life. I mean, if we cant pluck that child out of that environment or make there troubles go away, at least we can shine a ray of sunshine in there life and partake in helping them create a better future for themselves. Take a good look at how much you have. Do you have a great family? Do you have a nice home that is in a "safe neighborhood"? Do you have reliable transportation? Are you educated? Thank God for all of those things. Now, I'm not trying to say that just because you have those things that life is perfect or that you have to strive to attain all of those things BUT, why not? Why shouldn't everyone have a great family? Why shouldn't you feel safe in your home without the worry of a fight breaking out in the crack house next door? Why shouldn't you value education? We as Americans actually have it easy when you compare to those in foreign lands who hear missiles and explosions every day of there life. The least we can do is teach our children who live fifteen minutes away about the sovereignty of Jesus. There are many artforms in which to do just that.

Be Blessed and Be A Blessing - Cess

Thursday, October 9, 2008


As of September 29, 2008, The M.I.C.A.H. Project is an official Corporation! I want to jump up and down but unfortunately I cant do to a knee injury but I sure am pretending. Now, we are ready to proceed with even more paperwork. We are a month behind my schedule but I have to remind myself that God is always right on time. I feel like jumping out of my skin I am so excited. This is a major accomplishment for M.I.C.A.H. Thanks to all that have been praying for this Vision to come into Reality. Praise be to God for his Power, Glory and Might!